Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Determination Day 9

I won't make any excuses (even though I could say the Holiday's were very busy), but the simple fact is, I just didn't get around to posting anything.  I have to thank CJ at Capozzi's for reminding me to keep blogging.  Chris and I took Rin, Brekke, K and F out for dinner tonight to one of our favorite spots ever in Atlanta.  I was as good as you can be at the restaurant since everything on their menu ROCKS!!!.

While there, we got into a discussion about Dolls and Action Figures.  Rin told us a funny story about a discussion she had with a guy who was adamant that girl toys are Dolls and boy toys are Action Figures.  Rin quickly asked the guy, "So what is Ken?"  We all lost it.

I have been doing some research on Supplements and what is really needed when a person is looking to get back in shape and is focused on lowering their overall Fat Percentage (see previous blogs).  I'm still working on these as there are many, MANY, different views on what vitamins and minerals do in the body, side effects, benefits, and how certain combinations work together for the best benefit.  I'll probably have to create a separate chart out for this and then determine which I will try.  One word of warning, read the label, look it up, and consult with your Doctor before you take anything.  Certain vitamins and minerals can interfere with prescription drugs you may already be on.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Also, keep an eye on where you can get those vitamins and minerals from the actual foods you eat. One thing that research DOES seem to have borne out over and over again is that people gain the most benefit from those key elements when it's from their food, not from a pill. This is likely in part due to an overall reflection of a healthy diet, but it also takes into account the fact that there are often other elements working in synergy that may not actually be in a vitamin pill.

    I had missed that you'd started a blog until you mentioned it at dinner tonight. I'm really proud of you! Slower changes over time are definitely the way to go. Limiting the sodas (even diet ones--sugar substitutes can make you CRAVE sugar and up hunger signals) and going for water first, then juice or milk will help you AND Mr. Monkey.

  2. Very true. The hard part of it is analyzing everything you eat and mapping what essentials you are getting through food and what you are missing. My goal is to find the elements that are not easily obtained on a regular basis from food that are important, and then supplementing them.
    The problem that we run into is that we cannot always plan out everything well in advance, so we have to generalize. Not the best way to do it, but it's like playing the averages. I'll map out what is in the most common foods compared to what is very helpful for targeting the metabolism and see where the gaps are.
