Saturday, January 1, 2011

Determination Day 12 - Supplements part 1 of who knows

Okay gang, we’re back to the determination and focusing on Supplements, you know Vitamins and Minerals… what the hell are they?  I guess we should figure out what they are before we start taking a bunch of pills and drinking awful tasting liquids.
Supplements are nutrients that are not readily available in what we eat on any given day that we take in a controlled format, usually a pill or liquid.  Supplements are not just limited to Vitamins and Minerals, they also include: herbs and botanicals, amino acid, and enzymes.
All of these things can be broken down into Essential and Non-Essential (please note that Non-Essential does not mean that you can do without them).  Essential means that the human body cannot not create it or synthesize it and must come from an external source.  Non-Essential means that the body can create it but may not be produced at healthy levels.  For this post, I’ll be focusing on Essential nutrients.  Non-Essential nutrients and the amounts you should be taking should be recommended by your physician and usually done so after clinical testing (blood, urine, bowel, and other test).

Due to the formatting of this blog page, I've created another page for all the of this information around supplements. Click here to see it all Supplements and More  I took most of the information from Wikipedia and put into a single table that might be more readable.

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