Friday, December 24, 2010

Determination Day 4 - Christmas Eve

Good and Bad today.

Here is the good part, my Brother-In-Law got married to a wonderful lady at our house today.  Congratulations!!!!  We had Family over for the event and a friend of our from college (whom Gil has kept a close friendship with over the years) did the actual ceremony.  It was wonderful.  As an added  bonus, Chris and I didn't have to do much cleaning since we had already tackled that earlier in the week.

Now all the dishes are done, left over's are in the fridge, and the house is still in pretty good shape!!!!! (It usually takes a couple of days after a crowd comes in to get things straightened up again.)  For all of that, I'm proud of us.

Now for the bad......I woke up this morning feeling like someone hit my in my kidneys with a baseball bat, both of them.  I thought at first it was muscle problems, which I am prone to, but the muscles don't hurt.  It is much deeper.  I had one diet coke today and then either Cranberry juice or water for the rest of the day.  Gil did some energy work and that helped some, but now it is hurting again.  If this continues through the weekend, I'm going to our GP on Monday or Tuesday.

A friend of ours who is a "natural healer", for lack of a better term, is concerned, but not overly worried.  She says that if pushing the water doesn't bring relief, then I will probably need some blood work and a urine sample taken.  On top of that, I have to get the second round of my immunizations done (which for a small needle, hurt like hell).

Keep an eye out for Santa, I think he may be in my neighborhood right now.

I'll try to get back to more Fit oriented notes after Christmas, for now it just feels good keeping my promise to write.  Little successes.

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